
Fun couple of weekends...

...and off to Russia on Tuesday.

Last weekend, my four best buddies from college - Eric, Jeff, Chris (with wife Eileen in tow) and Ryan (sans wife) - moseyed into town for booze and other sundry trouble. We went to Esther's Follies, played a little golf, and went to the basketball game. After enduring the five of us for most of a day, poor Eileen insisted that we all start dating so she would have someone whose conversation didn't revolve around "guy stuff". We'll get around to it...

Last night, I went out to celebrate my friend David Fry's birthday with David, his wife Shelley, his sisters Anna and Erica, and a lot of other people. The Frys are probably the funnest family I know, and last night we had a great time.

I take off for Russia on Tuesday, and arrive on Wednesday. Here are some prayer requests:

1) Pray that God heals me of this cold I've been fighting all week.

2) Pray that God gives us favour with those we meet, safety in our travels, and a vision for how to continue in our ministry there.

That's all I've got for now. Godspeed.



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